Wednesday 24 December 2014

It's Christmas!!!

So.. this is Christmas, huh? Another year flown by, I was thinking to myself earlier: 'Where has my 2014 gone?' Well, here I'm just gonna post a mashup of screenshots and photos about people who have really helped me, some crazy things that went wrong, and just generally, having a laugh! There are achievements and things I've tried for the very first time, and new tricks and tips hidden in MSP!
Well, you know the Fame Magazine which stores all of your extra Fame from loves, movie watches and people buying your looks, there is actually another page! It's so cool, that's what the little arrow buttons are for then, but are there even enough things to go onto page three? Let's think about it, It'l be a New Year Resolution! 

When you need greets- SAVESAVE739 will certainly give them to you! It helped me achieve my 20 VIP items in room award as well as Level 23! Thanks, SAVESAVE! She deserves a special shoutout, as well as that my New Year Resolution is to give out more greets!

Finally, we get decent level gifts! They're still as pathetic as ever, but at least their animated, and there is a new choice, but why after we've leveled so high it is really hard to get up a level! Speaking of levels, by August 2015, I hope to be on Level 25! As by August 2015 my VIP will run out, but I hopefully will get a new one!

My first step into becoming an Angeling, adding one of my heroes, hollyrenee and Candired. Although Candi doesn't come on as much, Holly gives me an auto everytime she sees me, and I give her one back, and I have added a few more people, like Princess770, magiclolster and Caroline.
 My first ever diamond status! I am trying to achieve all of my awards, and one is for 100 diamond statuses! Each Diamond status costs one diamond, so to achieve that you would have to spend 100 diamonds just on it!

I've been lucky enough to be in a few diamond rides lately, and I could really do with the spare cash. Unfortunately, I never get the 1000 starcoins that you are meant to get from

 Look! They're twins!! I love twin outfits like this, me and kittylove84, my bestie have a few, and occasionally we go round chatrooms convincing them they're seeing double, especially the Cafe and the Skate Park, where all the newbies hang!

Friday 12 December 2014

What's with all the hate?

Hate, hate, everywhere. I see it when I log on, when I look at mine or anyone's messages, I see it in chatrooms, games, and even on designs and looks.  You see it on lower and higher level guestbooks, messages, spammers, sticking up for the right of their team. Do you really think MSP created this site just to let people hate on each other? No, exactly, the site is for Fame, Fortune, and the one that we all forget is Friends, the most important of all! Now, don't ask me why they put friends last in their little motto, but we all need to learn how to get on with each other, something we have proved we possibly cannot do. It's the teams that split MSP apart. What's the point of the teams fighting? Does it help us?  Not the actual competitions and the family within it, but why can't ishacool make up with Alishak, what's their problem. They should be able to fix it, they are role models, at the top of MSP, so we all look up to them, and many copy them. Instead of trying to say sorry, they write mean and spiteful things about each other on their blogs, they make chat show movies about how they tried to make up, artbooks about it, and then start spamming and hating on each others guestbooks. Is this the right way forward? We are all destroying MSP for others. When people come on this site, the first thing they will see is hate, graffitied all over the place. Is the message we want to create for new people, war zone of hate and destruction, or a place where teams and moviestars get along in harmony, enjoying the company of others and helping them. Unfortunately, the worst of the damage has already been done, and the best we can do now is just everyone try. When the Allied Forces and the Central Powers were fighting in World War One, for Christmas they stopped fighting and played a game of football. The two sides hated each other so much, they went to war and killed their troops, but even something this bad can be turned around, and especially for Christmas, just to make MSP a nice, happy and safe place that people actually want to go on, and spend money on. Just stop and think if this is you, what's the point of all this hate, is it getting you anywhere, is it getting anyone anywhere? No, it's just scarring MSP bit by bit, and one  by one, users are quitting and deleting their accounts. Now, on average, on the UK MSP, 5 people quit permanently each day, and three delete their accounts and never come back and create a new one. It's gotten so bad now, that only 3 in 5 people would recommend MSP to a friend who's not already on it to join. And, only one in ten moviestars have completed the award of inviting your friend via email to MSP. This just shows how much people hate hate! So, just think for a moment, wouldn't it be nice to go on a nice and happy game where everyone gets along, and at Christmas time? Please share this as it is very important people read, and spread the message of happiness and goodwill this Christmas. MSP would be so much happier if all our teams could get on, why can't they? Instead of hating on the higher levels, persuade them to make up this Christmas. Join the Happy Christmas crew and let everyone know that if people fighting in a major world war could do it, so can we. Thank you for taking your time to read this and I hope you consider it and start making MSP a better place.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

MSP Updates!

All the time MSP has promised updates, and finally they have come. In the future I'm sure we'll get used to them, and accept them as part of our day to day login and gameplay experience, but at least MSP could've provided a guide or some warnings that it would be updated. When you log on, you don't really see a change. You read your messages, catch up with a few friends and go to collect your daily bonuses (if you are VIP like me). You will have all your other activities there like those movies your friend put you in, and that look you created, but your bonuses are not there!
Instead they are in your VIP Piggy Bank! Just like the Non-VIP one, it is stationed to the left of your moviestar but it is golden. We all hated the Non VIP Piggy Bank, and now MSP have to make us go into the Piggy Bank to collect our daily bonuses and the VIP Bonuses on anything! Now, be warned that the Piggy Bank only holds up to 5000 Fame so, you have to empty it quick otherwise there will be no space for Fame and StarCoins to build up.

Then, OK, that was a bit of a shock, but you move on and accept it. It's just like MSP, really! Then, you search up Adept or one of your favourite moviestars to see if they have added you yet. You click on them, and their VIP logo is brown! Now, brown is not a universally popular colour like blue, or red, but why brown? Brown has to be one of the ugliest colours you have ever seen, and to pay to upgrade your VIP to that? Wow... Who do MSP think they can kid? No thanks, I'm happiest with the regal purple of my Elite VIP, which airs a grace everywhere I go, not a sludge brown which looks like I've just pulled out of some cow poo! VIP is meant to be the premium membership, and us VIP's are looked up to! And now our logo is changed to brown. Wow.... I mean.... we pay you MSP, and the best colour you could come up with is brown? Moving on...

There is a new VIP in town, Star VIP. You can tell if you have Star VIP if the outline of the rectangle is brown and on top it has a crown, like Elite VIP , but then two stars on the other side of it, which was a bit like the other VIP with a pink rectangle around their VIP sign and a star on top. It costs a little bit more than Elite VIP, but is cheaper for a week. This is because you can have 9x more friends, give out 30 autographs per hour, have four Wheel of Fortune spins, have two daily diamonds and 40sc daily. So... OK, maybe it isn't as bad as I thought, but, if they are allowing us nine times more friends than before, what are they going to do about the lag? Many of us VIP's are having to go on lag-free all the time, preventing us from looking at status updates and messages. If MSP are fixing this as well, this would be a bonus to everyone who has more than 500 friends.
Elite VIP's get a huge discount on Star VIP, it costs only £4.21 for 278 days(well, that's until the end of my Elite VIP)! Star VIP is effectively replacing Elite VIP, though we'll have to wait and see if any features are taken away from Elite VIP moviestars... If it is and you just brought Elite VIP for a year, upgrade now! You'll get a whole new VIP experience. However, I don't exactly know about this, but maybe it costs more if you a longer time left of VIP, I don't really know, so check for yourself and please post a picture of it in the comments. Also, I don't know if this is a special offer, so, if you are reading this a couple of weeks after it was published, also please tell me if the price has gone up! Thanks, as every bit of information I can get will improve this blog!

So, what do you think? Do you think it's annoying that every time us VIP's get their extra Fame, we have to empty it quick before the Piggy Bank fills up? Do you think it's annoying as you just got a year's worth of Normal VIP?
Or are you Non-VIP, and are outraged that VIP's are getting discounted STAR VIP?
Comment your thoughts below,